The Torments of a Single Girl

Mental anguish, torture and pent up horny feelings... oh my!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

a funny thing happened on the way

Sorry for the lack of postage but I've been bathing in the vat of chocolatey goodness that was Easter. 5 glorious days off spent... well spent doing jack shit. and he was good har har. To tell the truth I haven't been so tormented these last two weeks. My life seems to be in a small calm ebb. Very odd as usually it's super chaotic so it's a nice change of pace. Although I did play a little game of shopping trolley flirting with a tall cutie at the supermarket last night. I love that game. He smiles, you smile back. move on to the next isle. Oh look there he is again. He smiles again, you smile again and grab something on the same shelf, smile at each other again. Repeat for the next 6 isles until you meet in the dairy section. Swap phone numbers and hey presto it's home for sex. with my fingers heheh. He was nice but not that nice.

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