The Torments of a Single Girl

Mental anguish, torture and pent up horny feelings... oh my!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Pron part 2

So I ring up my mate featured in the little video clip I was sent the other day and dance around trying to tell her what I've seen. It's not exactly something that you can just blurt out and say "dude, loved you in your porn debut"... The other thing I forgot to mention is that the guy that she's with in the clip is not her current partner and is a guy I don't recognise.

So I finally get up the guts to tell her what I've been sent and she goes silent for about the longest 15 seconds of my life. I'm thinking shiiiiiiiiiiiit when she bursts out laughing. Apparently I was the 6th person to ring her about it that day... go viral email. It turns out that the clip is part of a tape that she made with her ex ex guy and it's release is payback as part of a "custody" dispute over their dog. She's got the dog and he's got squat so he got pissed and sent the snippet to everyone he ever knew and told them to send it on to everyone they knew etc etc. She's now suing him for a squillion and laughing all the way to the bank. Unfortunately her (not so) current partner was also sent a copy by one of his mates and he's cracked the shits and dumped her because he was starting to get hassled by his mates and couldn't hack the pressure.

If it's as widespread as that it'll probably be in your inboxes shortly. (but not from me cuz I wouldn't do that to a friend)

Interesting. I feel like cuing the Entertainment Tonight theme music or something...

Note to self: never make a sex tape (unless I want to boost my ailing career once I'm rich and famous)

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