Funny how the universe works
Well as Jacob suggested, I went to the library today. I'm an optimist, you never know what life is going to throw your way and I find that sometimes life hands you things when you least expect it.
So I renew my membership as I haven't been in the library for 10 years and so I'm browsing away at all the booky goodness when I feel a tap on my shoulder and "Girly... is that you?" I turn around and there stands an old flame of mine. I haven't seen him in about 10 years. In fact it was around the time that I used to frequent the library regularly that I last saw him. He looks good. Really good. We chat for a while like it was old times. I'd forgotten how easy he was to talk to, how fun he is. He's single but I don't think I want to go back there. It was so good to see him and have a few flashbacks to old times but I still can't forgive and forget, despite how good he looks. And how single I feel right now. I really wish I felt otherwise but I don't. So we say our goodbyes and I browse on down the line.
And I found two books I've been after for a while. It's as good as I can get right now.
I think I'm going to enjoy going to the library regularly again :] Tune in again for more library adventures.
3 Tormentors:
At Wed June 28, 01:00:00 pm, With Love, Fat Girl said…
Old flame? Wow.
What books did you get?
At Thu June 29, 06:57:00 pm, The Tormented Girl said…
I know!!! knocked me out there for a sec that's fur shur...
Found Janet Evanovich's Seven up and an old Ken Follet book I haven't read in ages, Lie down with lions.
Can't wait to go back and see what else happens :]
At Sun July 16, 10:31:00 am, Lance Morrison said…
Sitting here wondering if you went back.
I'll just sit with my web browser on your blog hitting 'Refresh' every 27 seconds waiting... waiting... waiting... waiting...
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