My own epiphany [aka Operation: getting back on the horse]
I feel kinda stoopid but I've had an epiphany. A bit of a lightbulb moment so simple that I really can't work out why I didn't figure this out before. If I had of worked this out a long time ago I would have saved myself a lot of heartache and misery. I haven't worked out how to forgive and forget the things that he's done but that doesn't matter anymore. I've worked out that revenge is as simple as getting back to my old hottie self and being happy. That me dwelling on the bad times and feeling sorry for myself is letting him win. By getting back to my old self it's me moving on and leaving him behind to realise what he has lost forever. Sayonara sweetheart.
Can you say duh!?
Today I bought myself an eliptical trainer. I have a friend who has volunteered to be my personal trainer, chief whipcracker and motivator [she's an ex gym instructor]. I have a sensible eating plan worked out, no dumbass fad diets that don't work, a long term plan. I have a mental plan worked out so that I'm clearing both physical and mental/emotional problems. I think that I've actually purged some of those stagnant demons that have been poking me with their pitchforks eheheh demons begone! Most of all I have patience as I know it won't happen overnight and I can deal with that. I actually have goals. Goals! I know! Can you believe that shit? woah...
Today I feel happy.
Today I can save that little tin of bitter pills for someone else mwaahahaha! A hearty fuck you butthead... you're just not worth the effort anymore.
Can you say duh!?
Today I bought myself an eliptical trainer. I have a friend who has volunteered to be my personal trainer, chief whipcracker and motivator [she's an ex gym instructor]. I have a sensible eating plan worked out, no dumbass fad diets that don't work, a long term plan. I have a mental plan worked out so that I'm clearing both physical and mental/emotional problems. I think that I've actually purged some of those stagnant demons that have been poking me with their pitchforks eheheh demons begone! Most of all I have patience as I know it won't happen overnight and I can deal with that. I actually have goals. Goals! I know! Can you believe that shit? woah...
Today I feel happy.
Today I can save that little tin of bitter pills for someone else mwaahahaha! A hearty fuck you butthead... you're just not worth the effort anymore.
4 Tormentors:
At Tue Aug 01, 11:56:00 pm, Lance Morrison said…
Hoorah! I can tell you that I went from sloth to Super-Active-Gym-Guy-And-Health-Nut almost over night, a few years ago, and it felt great! Wathcing pounds drop off; the endorphins from working out; the new found energy; the better skin.
Good for you. Bonne Chance!
At Wed Aug 02, 01:56:00 pm, With Love, Fat Girl said…
Did you ever know that you're my hero?
Good for you, hot stuff. I'm feeling better every day by doing the same thing.
However, if you want a few laughs provided by others who chose the path more traveled, check out
Always gives me a giggle.
At Wed Aug 02, 05:52:00 pm, The Tormented Girl said…
Thanks! You know my fabbo machine is still a couple days away from being delivered but I feel so much better already! I'm actually excited about it [must be seriously warped!]
And I see your Revenge Lady and raise you a ohhhh I was sooo tempted to add him to the site...
At Thu Aug 03, 01:35:00 pm, With Love, Fat Girl said…
I checked that site out, it's nasty!! You go girl!
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