how sweet it is....
Sweet revenge is having your bastard ex's eyes pop out of his face at your new and improved hottiness knowing it ain't never gonna be his EVER again. And I'm not usually a revenge kinda gal but that was a sweeeet satifying moment. Like A LOT. Suck shit asshole mwahahahaaa!
This body and mind changing journey that I've been on this year has been such a rollercoaster. It's weird to think that it's been 8 months already. Time sure has flown this year. I've now cracked one of my major weight goals (under 100kg (96 to be precise) - don't forget that I'm 6' tall please) so that's a total weight loss of 46kgs (101 pounds for you backwards type) so far. That's a small fricken child! I've lost 113 cms in total and 4-5 dress sizes depending on brand and shop. Apart from the physical weight shift I've had a bit of a mental weight shift while I was at it.
I've done away with a lot of the old thought patterns, added some good new ones. I've grown up a little more this year, I still wouldn't stretch it to call m'self mature because I don't ever want to be a mature person because that equals fuddyduddy to me. I'm still not totally there with the mind stuff but I'm working on that. And that's a whole other post that I've been brewing in the wings. Just need to catch up with some other stuff first.
It's been interesting to see how differently I'm treated now that I'm thinner and have rediscovered my inner hottie. Disappointing in some ways that people who wouldn't give me the time of day, now do. I don't know if it's because I'm the talk of my office or have some sort of new celebrity status? I get 3-4 people a day tell me how great I'm looking and what am I doing blah blah which was nice at first but I'm a bit over it now. Me being me, I'll still have a chat and whatnot but I'd rather not be told I'm the Amazing Shrinking Woman like it's the first time I've heard it. But the lesson in all of this hooha is learning how to take compliments which I've never been comfortable with before. Smile and say thanks even if you don't agree with it on the inside. I'm finding that it's more about the other person in that it's funny how people feel the need to comment.
I've found that people have started seeing me again. When I was large I was practically invisible. I could go out in public and people just wouldn't see me (which is interesting considering I was so big and am so tall), but people would basically see right through me. Now I notice that I get looked at rather than looked through when I'm out and about.
One of the things I wish we celebrated here in Oz is Halloween. I grew up having Halloween every year but it's just not the done thing here. I'm not entirely sure why because it's an awesome day. Anyhoo I did my own thing to celebrate (click to enlarge):
Cute huh?
And I've been naughty... I bought myself another birthday present... a new laptop. Go the spending spree eh? I blame Sooty. My current laptop hard drive is only 80GB and cuz you need to have your files on the 'puter to sync then to the iPod I need a bigger hard drive... despite the fact that my external hard drive is already full (damn that porn) I thought it would be better in the long run if I gots me a new porn machine laptop. I've already sold this one so I'm justifying it that way. So :P
And I've decided to do a video blog for y'all but it's going to be a blink or you'll miss it post. I'll post it for a whole 24 hours then take it down. Otherwise I'm going to have a cardiac about it and I do want to do a little video (no, not that kind Cheese). I'll email my regular readers to notify you three when it goes up so you don't miss it. Anyone else that stumbles across it will just be a lucky bugger.
And now for another revealing moment... no pun intended. Behold my before and now pics...
Yay me.
Hope you weren't eating ;}
This body and mind changing journey that I've been on this year has been such a rollercoaster. It's weird to think that it's been 8 months already. Time sure has flown this year. I've now cracked one of my major weight goals (under 100kg (96 to be precise) - don't forget that I'm 6' tall please) so that's a total weight loss of 46kgs (101 pounds for you backwards type) so far. That's a small fricken child! I've lost 113 cms in total and 4-5 dress sizes depending on brand and shop. Apart from the physical weight shift I've had a bit of a mental weight shift while I was at it.
I've done away with a lot of the old thought patterns, added some good new ones. I've grown up a little more this year, I still wouldn't stretch it to call m'self mature because I don't ever want to be a mature person because that equals fuddyduddy to me. I'm still not totally there with the mind stuff but I'm working on that. And that's a whole other post that I've been brewing in the wings. Just need to catch up with some other stuff first.
It's been interesting to see how differently I'm treated now that I'm thinner and have rediscovered my inner hottie. Disappointing in some ways that people who wouldn't give me the time of day, now do. I don't know if it's because I'm the talk of my office or have some sort of new celebrity status? I get 3-4 people a day tell me how great I'm looking and what am I doing blah blah which was nice at first but I'm a bit over it now. Me being me, I'll still have a chat and whatnot but I'd rather not be told I'm the Amazing Shrinking Woman like it's the first time I've heard it. But the lesson in all of this hooha is learning how to take compliments which I've never been comfortable with before. Smile and say thanks even if you don't agree with it on the inside. I'm finding that it's more about the other person in that it's funny how people feel the need to comment.
I've found that people have started seeing me again. When I was large I was practically invisible. I could go out in public and people just wouldn't see me (which is interesting considering I was so big and am so tall), but people would basically see right through me. Now I notice that I get looked at rather than looked through when I'm out and about.
One of the things I wish we celebrated here in Oz is Halloween. I grew up having Halloween every year but it's just not the done thing here. I'm not entirely sure why because it's an awesome day. Anyhoo I did my own thing to celebrate (click to enlarge):
Cute huh?
And I've been naughty... I bought myself another birthday present... a new laptop. Go the spending spree eh? I blame Sooty. My current laptop hard drive is only 80GB and cuz you need to have your files on the 'puter to sync then to the iPod I need a bigger hard drive... despite the fact that my external hard drive is already full (damn that porn) I thought it would be better in the long run if I gots me a new
And I've decided to do a video blog for y'all but it's going to be a blink or you'll miss it post. I'll post it for a whole 24 hours then take it down. Otherwise I'm going to have a cardiac about it and I do want to do a little video (no, not that kind Cheese). I'll email my regular readers to notify you three when it goes up so you don't miss it. Anyone else that stumbles across it will just be a lucky bugger.
And now for another revealing moment... no pun intended. Behold my before and now pics...
Yay me.
Hope you weren't eating ;}
Labels: Pix, The Journey
2 Tormentors:
At Tue Nov 06, 12:58:00 pm, With Love, Fat Girl said…
Know what? I never pictured you as anything other than hot... you go, girl :)
At Sat Nov 10, 07:13:00 am, The Big Cheese said…
I would fuck you. Nice job. Really.
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