Note to self:
Stop having one to many vino's and posting woe is me posts. Stop feeling sorry for myself and get on with it.
Save up money to visit Lance to give him one ginormous hug [and hope to be invited for dinner YUM!] Then rub up against him to see if that insane goodness rubs off on me. How did you get so wise?
Remind myself daily that I'm fabulous. Because I am. And I seem to forget this easily.
Remind myself daily that some people who like to spread insidious gossip with intense malice do so because I am so fabulous and they can't handle it and it's a sad reflection of their own pitifully insignificant empty life. Their problem, not mine. [maybe remind myself 3 times a day on this one]
Must stop living in the past or planning for the future and realise that today is today and tomorrow may never come. Life is now.
Life's little messages come to you in strange ways - a comment on WLFG's blog: Just because you give your heart so freely. Doesn't mean they will give it back so easily.
Need to tighten my focus on myself, really tighten the focus, and concentrate on me. My stuff. Make sure I get that right before looking outside of me.
Don't try so hard, must remember that the best things come when I least expect them.
Remember that everything happens for a reason. Even if I don't know what it is right now.
Stumbled upon this when I was looking for a pic:
Interesting... thank you Universe.
Save up money to visit Lance to give him one ginormous hug [and hope to be invited for dinner YUM!] Then rub up against him to see if that insane goodness rubs off on me. How did you get so wise?
Remind myself daily that I'm fabulous. Because I am. And I seem to forget this easily.
Remind myself daily that some people who like to spread insidious gossip with intense malice do so because I am so fabulous and they can't handle it and it's a sad reflection of their own pitifully insignificant empty life. Their problem, not mine. [maybe remind myself 3 times a day on this one]
Must stop living in the past or planning for the future and realise that today is today and tomorrow may never come. Life is now.
Life's little messages come to you in strange ways - a comment on WLFG's blog: Just because you give your heart so freely. Doesn't mean they will give it back so easily.
Need to tighten my focus on myself, really tighten the focus, and concentrate on me. My stuff. Make sure I get that right before looking outside of me.
Don't try so hard, must remember that the best things come when I least expect them.
Remember that everything happens for a reason. Even if I don't know what it is right now.
Stumbled upon this when I was looking for a pic:
Interesting... thank you Universe.
1 Tormentors:
At Thu Aug 10, 07:51:00 am, Lance Morrison said…
Look.... You've made a gay indian blush; that's quite a feat.
I love hugs! What say we split the cost and meet half way? Vegas, anyone?
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