The Torments of a Single Girl

Mental anguish, torture and pent up horny feelings... oh my!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Torments of a lonely girl...

Full of thoughts tonight. Need to have a bit of a brain dump just to clear the cellular networks...

Let me just assure you out there in blogland that there will be NOTHING transpiring between Roger and I despite anything I may have said in my last post. Let me just make it 110% crystal clear that I cannot cheat on anyone, whether I'm with someone or whether it's the fact that the person I like is with someone else. It is mentally and physically impossible for me to cheat. I have been cheated on previously and it's not something that I EVER wish to inflict on another human being. Despite my yearnings and loneliness it's just one line that I can NEVER EVER cross as much as I wish I could. I wish I wasn't so moral about it but one day when I tell you my experiances I think you'll understand. That and I'm a strong believer in karma so I don't think I can inflict that sort of thing on future me's.

I'm just not in the mood to go into the background story of while I feel this way right this very moment but let me tell you, when I'm in the mood you will be appalled.

Why is it that when it rains it pours?

Why am I too scared to love someone again?

Why is it that I'm always just one moment too late?

Why is it that I'm one step ahead?

Why is it that I seem to be waiting for something I can't name?

Why is it that I get myself in so much trouble when I'm bored?

Why am I such a chicken at the wrong times?

fucking bete noire, piss off.

1 Tormentors:

  • At Wed Aug 09, 11:36:00 am, Blogger Lance Morrison said…

    If you believe in Karma, then you probably believe in Fate. "Why is it that I'm always just one moment too late?"... let's just say that you are always right on time for what you really need.

    As for the rest:
    Why is it that when it rains it pours?... Think of rain in a positive light. Rain helps things grow, so the more rain, the better and stronger we become.

    Why am I too scared to love someone again?... You're not. You're scared to be hurt, but deep inside you know that you need to take the chance and love yourself enough to love someone else, and let them love you.

    Why is it that I'm always just one moment too late?... Already covered.

    Why is it that I'm one step ahead?... You've had too much coffee. Slow down and check out the view.

    Why is it that I seem to be waiting for something I can't name?... What's in a name? As long as you can recognize what you want, you're set. If not, it'll come to you when you're ready.

    Why is it that I get myself in so much trouble when I'm bored?... Take up cross-stitching. Yoga is also nice.

    Why am I such a chicken at the wrong times?... You're human.



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