I want some of my own
Anonymous emailer sent me the below quote this morning in response to a coupla posts ago where I quoted the Rolling Stones in my Title field:
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes
You just might find
You get what you need.
It's been thought provoking for me today so thank you :]
As I was waking up and getting ready for work this morning I closed my eyes a couple of times and imagined it was me getting ready for work in Melbourne. Would it feel the same way? Same shit different location? I know I'm probably thinking about it all too much at the moment but that's how I work. Churn churn churn.
I think that if I have my laptop and my cat then everything is OK. Scary how simple things are when I put it that way - everything else fades away into obscurity. Those are the only two things I need to survive and be sane right now. Sad... so sad.
4 Tormentors:
At Wed Oct 25, 01:41:00 pm, Lance Morrison said…
Correction: Three things!
1: Laptop
2: Cat
3: Erotic Fridge Poetry!!!!
At Fri Oct 27, 07:58:00 pm, The Tormented Girl said…
Oh Lance, geez you make me laugh - but of course! How could I forget my poetry. Just for you I've composed something that will be shortly posted.
At Sat Oct 28, 03:21:00 pm, With Love, Fat Girl said…
Not sad, incredibly good!
Minimalism clears the head and makes you work your finest.
By the way, Lance and I have agreed that one day we shall come up for a visit.
And, I'm back!
At Thu Nov 02, 07:42:00 pm, The Tormented Girl said…
Yay I can't wait! I'll have the finest bottle of Australian vino at your disposal ;}
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