THAT word!!!!!!!!!
aven't you guys found that word for me yet??? I haven't either although I have another example for you. Just to recap, the word I'm looking for describes a situation where someone makes a joke that isn't a joke. It's kinda the truth veiled as a joke. And the competition still stands - the most outstanding, most fantastic poem ever created in your honour if you can tell me what this bloody word is.
Today's example: One of the people who wants to fix me was today, again, talking about me needing to be helped. When we were talking about it yesterday he said that I wasn't open to being helped and in a way I'm not but lets not go there just yet. Anyway today we were talking about being open to help and he says "I'm happy to help you I just don't think you're mature enough to learn". My quiet response of "I see" garnered a "Just kidding" from him. He then proceeded to joke that he could hear my blood vessels popping through the phone blah blah. Little did he know that after that comment I was about two seconds away from saying Fuck You and hanging up. But I think he's only half kidding about it, that in a small way he really does think that. It's joking to take the sting out of what the joker really thinks. Now go find that word!!
I'll talk more about his keen observations tomorrow, right now I have a fabulous feast to whip up and snacky things to prepare. Bon Appetit!
2 Tormentors:
At Thu Sept 21, 10:57:00 pm, Lance Morrison said…
Hello dear,
Well I further questioned my editor friend via email and this is what she came back with...
Hi Lancey,
You tell your friend that it's called "the Trojan Horse effect", when something seemingly harmless contains something hurtful. The "joke" part is the Trojan Horse that you take inside your (emotional) walls, but once it's there, the "soldiers" (or the truth inside the joke) spill out to harm you. The sender then relinquishes responsibility for the injury, claiming that he didn't know that what was inside the seemingly harmless container would hurt you (even though, like the the Trojans, he knows perfectly well what's inside his remark).
Hope you win the prize!
Do I win?
At Thu Sept 28, 01:48:00 pm, Lance Morrison said…
So... was that the word?
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