The Torments of a Single Girl

Mental anguish, torture and pent up horny feelings... oh my!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Pet project

Seems I'm everyone's pet project this week. Everyone seems to want to fix me. For the first half of the week it's felt like constant criticism and a massive attack and today I had an admission from one of the critics that he wants to fix me. Interesting. I'm not quite sure how to take that. The positive side says "You can always use a helping hand". The negative side says "Am I that pathetic that people think I'm unable to help myself?". Both are probably true. Everyone's a critic and in the end, it's up to me.

If only I knew what I wanted to do I'd feel better. It sucks feeling so lost so maybe I do need some guidance.

But to leave you on a positive note - another great night planned tomorrow. Some long lost friends are coming over for dinner so I'm sure there'll be an update on the Erotic Fridge Poetry. The menu for tomorrow - Bonne Maman Cherry Jam & Gorgonzola on crispy crackers for snacky things before dinner. Twice baked goats cheeese souffle with roast tomatoes in balsamic vinegar and crispy green salad. For dessert, lemon gelato. All of my favourite things to cook and to eat. Can't wait!

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