ex catharsis
Something weird is going on. I've bumped into/spoken with 3 of the top 5 ex boyfriends over the last 3 weeks or so. VERY odd goings on I tells ya. There was one I mentioned in the previous post, I forgot to mention that an ex I haven't spoken to in about 2 years sent me a happy birthday email and on the weekend I bumped into the band boyfriend I spoke about ages ago. I'm taking this as a sign to clear out the old feelings and let go of that old, tired baggage to make way for the new guy. No, no there's no actual guy in my life just yet but I can feel him waiting in the wings. Good thing I'm a patient wench...
On a completely different topic, I've just had the best apple of my entire life. An icy cold Granny Smith. I cannot even begin to describe it's sour sweetness but I sincerely suggest that you go and get yourself one now if you haven't had one in a while. Too bloody good.
On a completely different topic, I've just had the best apple of my entire life. An icy cold Granny Smith. I cannot even begin to describe it's sour sweetness but I sincerely suggest that you go and get yourself one now if you haven't had one in a while. Too bloody good.
2 Tormentors:
At Sat Nov 25, 03:23:00 pm, With Love, Fat Girl said…
Bumping into ex boyfriend after ex boyfriend is never a good thing.
Unless - and I'm hugely into fate and superstition - the planets are lining up all your OLD men before the ultimate introduction of your NEW man.
I'm telling you, you're not far away... he's waiting for you... muahahaha!
At Mon Nov 27, 07:51:00 pm, The Tormented Girl said…
Tell me about it! I keep looking over my shoulder to see where Number 5 is... but I agree with you... He is somewhere round the corner... I feel it in my bones! ;}
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