The Torments of a Single Girl

Mental anguish, torture and pent up horny feelings... oh my!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

the oddest of thoughts

I've been reading my old Judy Blume books for lack of good reading material (suggestions welcome!) and a weird thought crossed my mind after reading "Are you there God, it's me Margaret". Apart from remembering me checking the loo every time after reading that book for the first time and hoping that I too had gotten my period but I really can't remember sprouting pubic hair.

Armpit hair and growing boobs yes but not growing pubic hair. In fact when I was growing boobs I actually asked my mum what was going on because I felt a lump one afternoon while watching TV in my favourite chair - just a little boobage growing. It just seems like one day no hair and the next kaboom pubic bush. I remember straggling little armpit hairs sprouting beneath my arms but no straggling little pubic hairs.

Anyway just thought I'd share that ;]

1 Tormentors:

  • At Sat Jan 27, 01:44:00 pm, Blogger Lance Morrison said…

    Odd topic of discussion, but I wm the same way... sort of.
    I don't remember puberty at all. I don't remember pucic hair, or my voice changing, or anything.

    Just happens, I guess.

    PS: For the record, my voice has changed, and I do have pubic hair.


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