The Torments of a Single Girl

Mental anguish, torture and pent up horny feelings... oh my!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Holy crap!

When things start to move, they start to move! Worked out that I've got 30 days til I leave, how does that work? I was pretty sure that it was 5-6 weeks away but all of a sudden it's 30 days. Can't wait to travel and scarily enough I'm really looking forward to the actual travel part of it, hanging round in airports etc. I'm sure I'll get over that pretty quickly ;} I keep swinging between being really excited and wondering what the hell I'm doing. Excited about the trip and all the fun things I've got planned but apprehensive about the Benji side of things. BUT I'm manifesting a positive outcome. I've locked it in with the Universe and there's that little part of me that's telling me I'm doing the right thing. I trust my gut instinct as it usually proves me right and deep down I know that I'm doing the right thing. I just need to trust. But wowsers, scary! It's a big leap but I'm a-leapin, I'm a-leapin!

This week I've been on a 3 day course that I've wanted to do for a long time. It's a bit of a certification stepping stone to other things and I'm finding it a lot easier than I thought I would. Not only is it an interesting course but the presenter is pretty interesting as well, she's studying quantum physics in her spare time and a lot of what she was saying sounds like The Secret. But it's put me in a certain frame of mind with the whole Benji thing so I'm focusing on manifesting a positive outcome rather than a negative. No sense in self sabotaging!

And then... I got a request for interview for that job I applied for! Next Thursday's the big day... not quite sure what to think yet as I'm too tired and my brain isn't working for it all to sink in yet. I'm nervous and excited at the same time (can you see a trend?). Interesting timing if it does come to fruition as times they are a-changing... There's just so much going on in my head it's hard to articulate it all without rambling on too much. And besides, Lost is about to start and I need my long awaited Sawyer fix.... mmmmm Sawyer....

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