The Torments of a Single Girl

Mental anguish, torture and pent up horny feelings... oh my!

Saturday, August 26, 2006


Well to further my healthy relationship with food I splurged on this gorgeous fridge this morning. An upside down fridge because I'm 6' tall and I'm sick of crouching to reach the veg. And it's frost free. AND I got it for $400 less than they were asking AND they chucked in an additional 5 year warranty for me. Yes ladies and gentlemen I am The Haggling Queen! I love a good bargain and I have no problems in haggling to pay the price that I want to pay. As it was the last one, floor stock, and had a very small scratch on it I made them knock off the extra $400 and also chuck in the extra warranty because it was floor stock.

I've been looking for this fridge for a while so I'm glad the opportunity came up to get it for the price that I wanted. It's being delivered on Monday along with my cross trainer. I cannot wait. FINALLY it's all starting to fall into place. I'm so excited!

I was that excited that when I came home from shopping I promptly started to clean the old fridge inside and out. Well it's not that old, only 5 years old but anyway. I have never seen it look so sparkly white! It's usually covered in an assortment of photos, jokes and magnets so it's odd to see it so pristine.

I've also got magnetic erotic poetry so I'm going to enjoy putting them back up as there's usually something interesting that pops up when it's randomly thrown together. I've got a collection of poems created during various drunken dinners. I usually get my guests to write me a poem and then photograph it for evidence blackmail fun. Here's the one from our girly cocktail night a couple of weeks ago. You'll probably have to click it to view it clearly. Funny... Anyway just had to share the chilly goodness cuz I'm excited!

3 Tormentors:

  • At Mon Aug 28, 01:05:00 pm, Blogger With Love, Fat Girl said…

    Jealous! Our development was supposed to have those Euro style fridges and they changed their minds at the last minute. Bastards!

    I too am sick of squatting for vegs. I'll just have to make really sure my behind wiggles sexily when doing so.

  • At Mon Aug 28, 04:50:00 pm, Blogger The Tormented Girl said…

    heheh don't be jealous, use the opportunity to do leg squats to build up the gluteous maxumus while wiggling sexily ;}

    PS. It was delivered today... SOOOO pretty :]

  • At Mon Aug 28, 11:35:00 pm, Blogger With Love, Fat Girl said…

    How could I forget the gluteus maximus??

    In fact I think that shall be what I name my fridge. Thanks!


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