The Torments of a Single Girl

Mental anguish, torture and pent up horny feelings... oh my!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Oh the torment

What a weird week I'm having. The job front has been oh so super hectic that I've been working 8 hr + days with no respite and today I'm having one of those days, can't stop thinking about man flesh. I keep picturing every man I meet naked and exposed. Yes I'm obsessed and I can firmly blame it on someone else. I was sent this series of pretty army men fleshy shots and it's got my mind in a whirl. uhhhh fleshy men....

I've had some major wins this week and that's ALWAYS good. I'm quite impressing myself at how well I've handled certain situations. I think that if I had been presented with the same situation a year or two ago that it would have gone horribly wrong and yet I can't put my finger on why and how I've handled it differently. Just less... agro.

Had the most awesome dinner last night. Caught up with 3 friends I haven't seen in positively ages and had a good ole gossip and wine induced bitch and moan. And let me just say - you MUST try WLFG's Bonne Maman Cherry preserves with Gorgonzola on crispy crackers. SO good it inspired fridge poetry. Was such a laugh last night. I haven't laughed like that in a long time so it felt so good. So good to be with friends that I've missed, so good to feel so close to people that I love and so good to feel so content.

And finally today my eliptical trainer was delivered so watch out world - I'm taking you by storm! It all starts today... mkay maybe tomorrow as today is Friday night right now but it certainly starts tomorrow. No excuses! No butts... eh hem!! ;}

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