The Torments of a Single Girl

Mental anguish, torture and pent up horny feelings... oh my!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Funny how the universe works

Well as Jacob suggested, I went to the library today. I'm an optimist, you never know what life is going to throw your way and I find that sometimes life hands you things when you least expect it.

So I renew my membership as I haven't been in the library for 10 years and so I'm browsing away at all the booky goodness when I feel a tap on my shoulder and "Girly... is that you?" I turn around and there stands an old flame of mine. I haven't seen him in about 10 years. In fact it was around the time that I used to frequent the library regularly that I last saw him. He looks good. Really good. We chat for a while like it was old times. I'd forgotten how easy he was to talk to, how fun he is. He's single but I don't think I want to go back there. It was so good to see him and have a few flashbacks to old times but I still can't forgive and forget, despite how good he looks. And how single I feel right now. I really wish I felt otherwise but I don't. So we say our goodbyes and I browse on down the line.

And I found two books I've been after for a while. It's as good as I can get right now.

I think I'm going to enjoy going to the library regularly again :] Tune in again for more library adventures.

Friday, June 23, 2006

you scream, I scream....

Not quite sure what to say about this one...

Monday, June 19, 2006

Tall, blond busty female seeks toyboy

I'm officially giving up internet dating sites. Why it's taken me this long to realise that it's never going to happen that way, I have no idea. Sure it's nice to go potential boyfriend shopping - viewing profiles and imagining that guy in the empty slot next to me, featuring in my daydreams of lazy sunday mornings and dinner parties with friends and quiet nights in. Nup, not gonna find that guy there. All I seem to find are bozos. Bozos who misrepresent themselves and then have the nerve of getting shitty at ME for being truthful in my profile? What the fuck? I just don't get that. Scuse a gal for being honest eh? Sorry, forgot to say that I'm barbie incarnate with the biggest set of fake boobs you've ever seen. Oh did I forget to mention that I'm a millionaire and I love to spend my money freely? sheesh.

Friday, June 02, 2006

bucketus cuntus

I'm sorry but I didn't realise that I should be penalised because I'm 31 and don't have children. I must be labouring under some false pretenses here. Sorry bout that.

Seems as though some people have lost their sense of humour. The topic of conversation was the fact that the lovely Angelina Jolie had had a caeserean instead of giving natural birth. The reasons for this were unknown [medical or preferred method of delivery] and as a JOKE, that's right a JOKE I said that she did it so that she doesn't become a bucketcunt women. And this is joking with someone I've known for a very long time and that together we used to joke about bucketcunts quite a lot so I was expecting the usual response but OH NO! Can you say defensive... "just wait til you have children, I'm going to bring you a bucket... " blah blah blah. The view musta been good from her high horse. This from the same person who yesterday tried to blame her frequent absences caused by her children on me by saying that I don't have children so I don't know what it's like. EXCUUUSE me? Why should I be penalised by the fact that you chose to have 3 children and my choise is to NOT have sprogs to every second man that I sleep with? whatEVER. The truth obviously hurts.... damn bucketcunts.