The Torments of a Single Girl

Mental anguish, torture and pent up horny feelings... oh my!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Damn you full moon...

Well first week back at work last week and I don't think I can remember a more hellish week in my many years with this company. Words don't even come close to be able to describe how bad. And considering how this week is looking you may very well get another bitching and moaning post from me before too long. Good thing I submitted another job application yesterday. Tis a good one so I really, really, REALLY hope I get it. I just need to get the fark out of my job. I've really had enough and it's time to move on. So I'll let you know how it turns out. No doubt I'll be freaking so you'll definately hear about it. Can't remember if I told you bout the other one (with the mondo bizarro selection criteria) but they decided not to proceed with the selection. Not surprising considering our recent change of government but annoying because that would have been a goodie too. Oh well was a good experience to do the weird SC.

I dunno whether I'm working myself up about my upcoming adventure but I can't stop thinking about Benji. Have you ever wanted something so bad it just drives you crazy? I can see everything sooo clearly, just got to work out how I can make it so. I really can't wait to go, if it wasn't for Easter coming round early this year I would be leaving earlier but oh well... patience...

I've already started writing my lists of stuff I need to pack, stuff I need to buy blah blah. Have I mentioned how much I love to travel? Guess I'm a bit weird like that in that I like airports and waiting around only because I get time on my hands. Time to think, time to write, time to read, time to listen to music I love, time to watch the people that are walking around. The only thing I'm not so fond of is turbulence on planes but that's a control thing for me. Because I'm not in control of the plane it freaks me out bigtime. You'd think that I'd be able to let go because I don't have control but no... takes me a lot of meditation and self talk to keep myself calm. Silly really because there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. Just have to get very internal and really focus on being calm and letting go. Helps if I have a book and some music to help distract myself as well ;}

But anyway I'm excited. Scared and excited. I dunno what is going to happen with Benji, I'm hoping for the best but being prepared for the worst. I just need him to see sense and trust me that I know what's good for him and that's me ;}. One thing I'm stuck on (and to give you an indication of how much I over think things) and that's if things do work out and say dream comes true and he realises he's madly in love with me and wants to be with me... what then? He's still waaaay over there and I'm still here. Two options, he cuts his time short and gets his sweet butt back home or b) I go over there. At this particular junction in time I am MORE than happy to go over there. The only thing holding me here is my cat and my family and both of which are sort of fixable. The cat not so much because I would be eternally woeful if I left him here (probably with my brother) and he died while I was over there. I don't know if I could wait for him to die before going to be with Benji because there is no firm timeline. That sounds bad but I'm sure you get what I mean. I couldn't take him with me because the stress would probably kill him. So yeah... overthinking huh...

So anyway in the grand scheme of things I just need to be patient and wait to see what happens and just accept it either way. I'm taking a crazy leap of faith and just have to trust that the Universe will be there to catch me.

My toe is feeling a bit better but it looks like they haven't set it properly so it's still a little twisted but like hell I'm going to go back so that they can rebreak it and reset it (probably without painkillers again owowowow). I can do without that inconvenience so I'm just gonna have a wonky toe. Might take a picture to share with you if I get around to it. Been having a bit of fun with it now that I'm back at work... People I haven't seen in a while have asked "how was your break" (meaning Xmas and New years holiday break) and I've said sore har har. Then they'll ask me how I did it so I tell them that this guy was giving me shit about my work so I started kicking and punching him and broke my toe on his head. I've had some people actually believe me for half a second before I've told them the real story. Gotta get my laffs where I can dammit ;}

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Mr Right When You Need Him

Forgot to tell you bout one of the most awesome Christmas presents I've ever received, hell best present full stop.

Mr Right When You Need Him:

He's this little cardboard cutout with magnetic sayings which include:
  • You look thin. Have you lost weight?
  • As always, you're right.
  • I could listen to you talk all night.
  • May I take you shoe shopping?
  • It's not your fault, it's mine.
And there are three blanks for you to inscribe your own sayings. The little booklet that comes with him is bloody hilarious! A few sections for your reading delight:

When exactly do you use Mr Right When You Need Him?

You'll find that once you welcome Mr Right When You Need Him into your life, you'll have a multitude of situations you'll be glad to have him on hand for:
  • Shopping in badly lit bathing suit dressing rooms (with those sadistically magnified mirrors!)
  • Enduring road raging traffic (just prop him up on the seat next to you and rant away!)
  • Contemplating eating another slice of cherry cheesecake (oh hell, eating that whole cherry cheesecake!)
  • Returning home for hight school reunions/family reunions (all kinds of angst-inducing reunions)
No matter where you may be going - someplace hoity-toity or merely to the linen closet - Mr Right When You need Him will be happy to be there by your side.

Signs of possible overuse:

Many of you right now may be wondering: Is it possible to overuse Mr Right When You Need Him?
The answer, my friends, is : Yes.
You'll know you've been spending too much time with Mr Right When You Need Him when you find yourself making out with him in restaurants. I understand there will be a part of you that will want to flaunt your love, but any overt displays of public affection with Mr Right When You Need Him should be curtailed immediately.

After all, he's just a doll - a D-O-L-L doll.

Pretty funny ;) but the section I love the most is the last one as there are little grains of truth in there...

Is it possible to find a real living, breathing Mr Right When you Need Him?

I believe there are real living, breathing - albeit oft times belching - Mr Right When You Need Hims out there to be found. And I believe, in time, you'll find one if you:

  1. Burn that book The Rules. I know a lot of women say the way to catch a man is to play games. Not me. I believe if you use Game-Playing Bait, you lure in Game-Playing Fish.
  2. Get out there. You must search willy nilly for a real Mr Right. Go to parties, museums, the park. Remember: You won't meet men sitting alone in your apartment. Well, except pizza delivery men.
  3. Stop thinking: "If only I had thinner thighs!" and start working on getting a stronger gut. We must all learn to trust our guts and get out of a bad relationship fast. I now what I speaketh of. My motto: It's better to have loved and lost than to live with a psycho the rest of your life.
  4. Never go to bed angry at your man (and miss the make-up sex? No way!)
  5. Most importantly, don't always be blaming yourself for every bad date and every bad relationship. Remember: It's not always your fault. After all what's not to love and desire about you? You're totally adorable and gorgeous just as you are! In fact, you've been looking especially thin lately. Just ask that doll of a guy...

Like I said, awesome present! teehee!

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Hope everyone had an awesome Christmas and New Years, I know I did! Had an great start to the year, spent NYE with good friends at a really classy restaurant then sat around outside chatting and drinking til the wee hours of the morning. I tells ya, it's going to be a fantastic year!

I broke my little toe last week! owowowwwww! Note to self: Don't walk around in the dark when you've forgotten that you've put wooden crates where they don't normally belong ie. in the way of my toes. So I've been hobbling around getting annoyed at how it takes twice as long to do anything. Good thing I'm on holidays but it's back to work on Monday... crap...

So... what's everybody doing in March/April? Went to Flight Centre today to check out flights etc for my little trip and it's not going to be as expensive as I thought so I'm seriously, seriously considering it not just toying with the idea. I've been checking out the weather sites so that I can work out what to pack as I'm coming from summer to winter so that's gonna be interesting. Looks like it's still gonna be relatively cold in Canada/US while it's about the same as it is here in Abu Dhabi. So the tentative plan so far is to go to Abu Dhabi for a few days then head to Canada then cross the border and check out the US for a day or two then home James. Been surfing around to see what to do while I'm out and about so any suggestions on places to see and things to do welcome!

Starting to get those butterflies of excitement! Can't wait!
