The Torments of a Single Girl

Mental anguish, torture and pent up horny feelings... oh my!

Friday, May 29, 2009

This cracks me up

Thursday, May 28, 2009

What was on my friends wall

I love these guys, huntsman spiders. I used to like to freak my friends out my picking them up and letting them crawl up my arm. They may be big and ugly but they're not poisonous so they're ok ;} this guy was on my friends wall.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Things I can't get over

The smell of the inside of my washing machine.
The smell outside just before it rains and the smell as it's raining.
The smell of the inside of an M&Ms packet.
Anything peanut butter and chocolate.
The smell of Babybel cheeses.
Smoked salmon and brie on pumpernickel.
Gorgonzola with cherry Bon Maman on water crackers (thanks WLFG).
Basil pesto on grilled barramundi.
Movie popcorn.
Guylian seashell chocolates eaten with (good) hot coffee so that the coffee melts the choc.
The super zing of wasabi.
Freshly grated garlic and ginger on/in anything.
My brother's okonomiyaki.
My dad's saltimboca.
My mum's anything.
My friend Kat's salad with chicken kievs.
Chip's potato salad (with baby peas and smoked pancetta or prociutto)
Mashed potato with garlic.
Tia Maria on ice.
Gin and tonic with lots of lemon.
The tandoori and cheese roll (on italian bread!) From that little place in Melbourne where they toast it for me especial.
Canoli from (the award winning) Continental.

So good!

Friday, May 22, 2009

I don't believe it!

There is actually a good side to being single!

I had to renew my security clearance recently which is a pretty arduous task in itself due to the 50 zillion questions you have to answer. If I had a partner it would have been 100 zillion questions so I guess that's my one good reason for being single. Yeah yeah clutching at straws but I gotta clutch them where I can right?

48 days til I'm back in melbourne. Cannot wait!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Love is a verb

In my room - Incubus

This party is old and uninviting
Participants all in black and white
You enter in full blown technicolor
Nothing is the same after tonight

If the world would fall apart
In a fiction worthy wind
I wouldn't change a thing
Now that you're here

Yeah, love is a verb here in my room
Here in my room, here in my room

You enter and close the door behind you
Now show me the world as seen from the stars
If only the lights would dim a little
I'm wary about eyes upon my scars

If the world would fall apart
In a fiction worthy wind
I wouldn't change a thing
Now that you're here

Yeah, love is a verb here in my room
Here in my room, here in my room

Pink tractor beam into your incision
Head spinning as free as dervishes whirl
I came here expecting next to nothing
So thank you for being that kind of girl

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Coffee is GOOD

Pretty coffee is better :)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A thought

And a strange one at that. I've never seen my Dad dance. I can't ever a remember a time, not a ballroom dance with my Mum, a step-clap boogie or something like that.

Just a thought.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Holy fuckin hell

Sure the last time I had sex was when jebus was a lad but these things are better than sex (right now eh). Finally found a place other than USA Foods that supplies them here in Oz. Nom nom nom :)

Friday, May 08, 2009

I'm really excited!!!!

It's a bit of a lightbulb moment for me. I've refined an idea that I've been working on for years. It has to do with my drawings and a particular drawing style that I've had for years. I was doodling the other night when it came to me out of the blue (which things usually do when I'm drawing as its a bit like meditation) and I'm working on a few examples to show you so I'll post some pix once I'm done. It takes a while to do them (and you'll see why when you see them) so I hope to have one up for you tomorrow.

Have I mentioned that I'm excited!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Why is it so?

A little while ago I was reading a joke about Martha Stewart vs Maxine (the grumpy old woman) and there's a bit that goes:

Martha: wrap celery in aluminium foil when putting it in the fridge and it will stay crisp for weeks.

Maxine: celery, what's that?

Now I'd never heard of that so I thought I'd give it a go and it actually works but I can't find any info as to why it works. What is it about foil that keeps celery crisp? Does it work for other veggies? Enquiring minds want to know.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Tick fuckin tock

Had a little freak out last night when I realised that I'll be 35 this year. Thirtyfuckingfive!!! Time is running out, the weeks are flying past and all of a sudden it's fucking May and half the bloody year is almost over. Again!!

And still I have no man and I am not pregnant. I never wanted to be one of those women in her thirties who reeked of desperation and eyed off every male as a potential babydaddy trying out his lastname for cadence and yet I find myself being exactly her. I want/need to have a baby before it's too late and now that I've had a little bit more of a freak out I'm feeling it all a little bit more strongly than ever before.

Nevermind my bloody parents chipping in with their two cents about wanting to be grandparents etc. At least I've got babysitters on call if I need them eh?

For fucks sake I even have a plan B in that the lovely Chip is prepared to be my surrogate if I can't actually conceive myself. I don't want it to come to that but at least I have a plan B.

I keep hearing that I need to be honest with myself and admit my true feelings to myself before anything will happen and I have! I don't know how much more honest I can be or what I'm hiding from myself. I don't know what else I need to do and I think I'm going to have to book in with L and see what else I need to do. I'm willing to do whatever it takes but I just bloodywell need to know what it is so I can do it!

*sigh* end of freak out for the moment...


I dunno whether I'm just a freak, (well yeah I do but anyway...) but I never found Carrie scary. I always felt so sorry for her. I guess I understand what it's like to be an outsider as I've always been one.

I read the book before I saw the movie because I've always been a big Stephen King fan (and just recently I've been introducing my Mum to his books and she's becoming a fan although she doesn't like his more violent books like Cell (which is one of my faves)) and it's always makes me feel sad and angry more than horrified. Not a lot of books translate well into movies but for me this is one of the good ones and I can forgive the artistic license taken to convert it to a movie. For once it doesn't spoil the whole thing but turns it into a new, and equally enjoyable story.

Needless to say I've recently re-read the book after picking up the movie in the dvd bargain bin.

Another really confusing book to movie conversion is Under the Tuscan Sun. I love the movie and have just started reading the book which is NOTHING like the movie. In the beginning I found it really hard to get into the book but I'm warming to it now that I'm about half way in. I can see the snippets where the movie has come from but it was a little confusing at the start.

Still a pretty good read if you can get past some of the wordy flowery bits. Just reminds me of the scene where she writes the postcard for a guy on her tourbus and he bitches at her that "the grapes even taste purple". Its written a bit like that.