The Torments of a Single Girl

Mental anguish, torture and pent up horny feelings... oh my!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Fred n Ginger

I've been on holidays again this week (darned excess leave) and I've just returned from Melbourne so please excuse the no posty for a while. As it's Friday I'll leave you with these funnies while I unpack and unwind and will tell you all shortly. Bon weekend!

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Damn I'm a cheeky wench, I surprise myself sometimes...

I'm sure you see them in your town, stoplight windscreen washers. Now normally the windscreen washer is some scraggy looking guy trying to wipe your windscreen with muddy water and a crummy cloth and then bum some change. The windscreen washer on my way home looks like my Sawyer. I shit you not. Tall, tanned, shoulder length blondish hair. He usually wears jeans and a tank top so you can see his nice muscles. Pretty clever ploy I reckon because I'm sure most of the scruffy lookin doods don't get much cash but I have no doubt that this guy is making a pretty penny.

Anyway I've been on holidays for a week and a half and today was my first day back at work. Had a seriously hectic day trying to catch up and I was in an odd mood by the end of it. On my way home, I happened to be first at the lines at the lights so his hotness strolls over and asks if I need a screen clean. I waved a $10 at him and told him that if he took his top off and did it topless that I'd give him $10 for it. So he did! YEAH BABY!!!

Best $10 I've ever spent.

I'll see if I can snap some pix for you to perve on.

Sorry, just one more of Josh cuz I can't help myself. Mmm mmmm mmmmmmmm


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Death sentence

Well I had a really good chat with my vet today and am feeling a bit better - don't feel like I'm going to start boohooing at the drop of a hat at least. Luckily I'm blessed with an extremely good vet, Fiona, who is very understanding and patient. The urinalysis has come back and is showing that my beast is in the middle stages of kidney disease and isn't in Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) but Renal Insufficiency (RI). He's now on a special low protien, low phosphorus diet. He had his first meal of it tonight and he seems to like it so we'll see how it goes. Unfortunately it means none of his favourite dried liver or dried sprat treats which I think hurts me more than him as I love how berko he goes for his treaties, spins round and round in circles til I give it to him.

So I've got a lot of reading to do as I want to know everything about it and of course I asked her the dreaded question "how long does he have?" Basically it can be anywhere between 6 months to 18 months, maybe more. He needs to be retested every 3-6 months to track how he's going. But ultimately there's going to come a day when he's going to start to decline and when that day comes I'm going to have to make a hard decision. It's going to be really difficult not to think about that now that I know the timeframe. I think I'm going to have to put it all in the back of my mind until that time because once I start thinking about the little things I just work myself up into a proper howling fit. And if I don't I'm just not going to be able to cope until that time. Let just say that he's going to be one smooched on beast until that time.

Unfortunately this changes all of my plans to move as it's best not to stress him out as that can send his levels through the roof and progress it all. Then again I couldn't make a decision either way so perhaps it's the universe working in it's mysterious ways again. Anyway everything is on hold until he goes and I spose after that I'm going to want a change because I can't bear the thought of being here in this house without him.

It's funny how this year is turning out. The major message seems to be don't take things for granted and be thankful for what you have because you might not have them for long. I think I need to actively start counting my blessings on a daily basis and I'm going to start a paper diary and list things every night. But take a leaf folks, hug your friends and family and smooch your pets like there's no tomorrow.

* today's pic looks kinda random but it was one of the results when I googled 'death sentence' , I'm not really sure what it means religiously but I liked the tragedy of it - The Martyrdom of St. Mathew', by Caravaggio, ca.1599, Contarelli Chapel, San Luigi dei Francesi, Rome.


Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Well my worst fears have been confirmed. My beast has been diagnosed with kidney disease. He's still got to have another test to determine how bad it is and I'm absolutely devastated. I haven't really been able to tell anyone about it because I can't help crying every time I even think about it and I'm one of those people who doesn't like to cry in front of anyone but my closest friends. dumb huh

What am I going to do without him? I love him more than I've loved some of my ex boyfriends. He's the one light in my life, my constant shadow, and makes coming home worthwhile. My house is going to feel so empty without him there constantly buffing my legs to a high sheen. And of course at the moment it's just the little things that kill me. I was sitting on the couch with him on my lap last night, having a little boohoo, and he has this odd habit whenever I cry. He frantically head-bonks me as if he's trying to wipe away my tears with his fuzzy face. Does it to me without fail whenever I cry. Funny beast, just made me cry harder. Almost like he's saying "I'm not dead yet, silly".

My last cat was sick for 9 months before I had to put him down and it was 9 months of pure heartache. I feel really selfish and guilty when I say this but I don't want to go through that again. I really don't but the thought of deciding on his death date just rips me apart. Depending on the test results its either a matter of months or it could be a year or two. I don't know which option is worse. In a way sooner is better because I'm always going to be thinking about it and I don't want to prolong his life if it's not going to be quality life but at the same time it's going to be so hard to live without him. I'm happy to spend whatever it takes if it's going to be worthwhile. I guess at the moment I just need to wait and see what these test results say and cherish every moment I can.

Gotta stop now, I'm out of tissues ;]
