My horoscope for this week:
A change of residence or around family members is indicated for many Scorps in association with the solar eclipse of Feb 7, which may be associated with a new career path. The changes being made are for the best and bring many benefits with them. Travel or better education may be part of the deal.
Apart from the bad engrish I'm hoping it means that I get a call on Thursday asking me to come in for an interview for the job I applied for last monday. Funny but it's in the travel sector. Please mean that... please.
I'm so unsatisfied with just about everything in my life. I'm annoyingly restless and can't keep my mind on anything. I have a feeling that I won't be traveling overseas as planned, haven't heard from Benji or anyone else I want to catch up with so it looks like Plan B - spend 2 weeks in Melbourne. Really, really,
really can't stand work at the moment (words don't even come close), my friends are being shallow, I'm stoopidly in love with a man who doesn't know I exist, I can't work out what I'm doing with my life and the list goes on... the only thing I
am happy with is my weight. 3 kilos away from my goal and the end to this madness is in sight. Although I did have a major chocolate binge on the weekend in the pit of my despair and before you gimme the lecture about undoing all my hard work, I know I know... bite me.
I'm annoyed at being annoyed, I seem to go round and round in circles with this dissatisfaction thing and I'm just not coming up with the answer. I think one of the main things that has come to light for me in the last month is that I need to get away from my current employment. It's overtaking my life in that I can't sleep, I'm drafting emails and thinking of the things I didn't manage to get to at 3am in the morning, I'm frustrated all day because I can't get to the things I need to or get to do the work I want to not to mention the stoopid politicking and inconsequential bollocks I have to put up with on a daily basis. I think that if I had a job that is actually 9-5 and not 8-7 and all absorbing, all superstressing that I could find a modicum of a life. That combined with being in a new environment with new people and new challenges I think it would refresh me a little. The main thing I want is a job that I can leave at work when I step out the door and drive home. *sigh* I'm bitching again... sorry... do you want some cheese and crackers with that whine?
So finding a job is at least step one... So bring it on solar eclipse... please... before I do something that I'll regret like resign before having a job to go to... because I've been close in the last fortnight...
And oh joy of joys, V day is round the corner.
enough whinging... off to exfoliate my legs ;}
Labels: Stuff, Workshite